Saturday, April 24, 2021

The Reign Of Terror Was It Justified Dbq Answers

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  • Reign Of Terror DBQ

    Is there any evidence that helps you measure the size of the revolt? Credit if document to some sort of argue that the explanation is Reign of Terror given was justified or not justified? Document E 1. Is this a primary or secondary source? What was the purpose of the Tribunal and how ere the judges chosen? How many people were executed by commissions in the countryside? Credit if the Tribunal some sort of and the explanation is Committee of given Public Safety were justified?
  • Reign Of Terror

    Document F 1. Document F 2. Whose head is the executioner holding? Document G 1. According to Robespierre, what are the goals of the war and the revolution. Document G 3.

    Words 2 pages Views In , French adversaries were pushing in on all borders and spies were rampant on the streets. To defend from internal enemies, prominent French leader Robespierre enacted the Reign of Terror. Anyone suspected of aiding the enemy was swiftly put on trial and executed. G The Reign of Terror was not Justified because the threats to France externally and internally did not warrant the methods used. Those suspected of being spies or opposers of war during the French revolution were quickly tried and unjustly executed. Steven Otflnoski remarks in Triumph and Terror: The French Revolution "A careless word of criticism spoken against the government could put one in prison or worse. Such executions were both morally unjust and a waste of human manpower during a time of war. Instead of causing people to follow the law, the reign of terror instigated several rebellions in France. A letter from the National Convention in France remarks "We had reason to hope that these gatherings would cease as soon as the public troops arrived.
  • The Reign Of Terror: Was It Justified

    Our hopes were misguided and this causes us the greatest of worries. Had authorities established a sense of nationalist pride in French citizens, war would have been fought vigorously, there would be fewer rebellions, and thus, less loss of human life. In order to defeat two military powers on the front, France enacted a draft and started two wars which fueled more rebellion as people felt they were fghting for a country they didn't love. Document A details revolutions occurred after mandatory military drafts were instated. The French people had overthrown their king and gone to war for freedom, not to be ruled by a monarchy once more. The two wars coupled with the military draft caused citizens and soldiers alike to dislike the new republic as their comrades died to the guns and guillotines around them. The sharp blade of the guillotine was applied liberally to the necks of anyone suspected of working against France's interest.
  • Was The Reign Of Terror Justified

    Document F shows the decapitation of Louis the XVI after extremely inconclusive evidence and faux claims painted him as an enemy spy and counter-revolutionary. Unfortunately, with the invention of the guillotine, Louis was Just one of tens of thousands killed in such a manner. Many such public execution were merely to invoke fear in the people's hearts. Steven Otfinoski wrote in Triumph and Terror "The revolutionary Tribunal was established to try all crimes against the state. Tribunal members would not be elected by the people but rather by the national convention. Not only trials brief and often merely formality, but the small group of government leaders could also convict anyone opposing them. Killing for power and fear didn't place pride in the oppressed French peoples' hearts a country on its knees.
  • The Reign Of Terror Was It Justified Dbq Essay

    It took three failed republics before France finally achieved a sustainable and loved government. In this case, Machiavelli would the ends Justify the means in the most inefficient manner.
  • The Reign Of Terror: Was It Justified?

    Words 2 pages Views In , French adversaries were pushing in on all borders and spies were rampant on the streets. To defend from internal enemies, prominent French leader Robespierre enacted the Reign of Terror. Anyone suspected of aiding the enemy was swiftly put on trial and executed. G The Reign of Terror was not Justified because the threats to France externally and internally did not warrant the methods used. Those suspected of being spies or opposers of war during the French revolution were quickly tried and unjustly executed. Steven Otflnoski remarks in Triumph and Terror: The French Revolution "A careless word of criticism spoken against the government could put one in prison or worse. Such executions were both morally unjust and a waste of human manpower during a time of war. Instead of causing people to follow the law, the reign of terror instigated several rebellions in France. A letter from the National Convention in France remarks "We had reason to hope that these gatherings would cease as soon as the public troops arrived.
  • DBQ: Reign Of Terror

    Our hopes were misguided and this causes us the greatest of worries. Had authorities established a sense of nationalist pride in French citizens, war would have been fought vigorously, there would be fewer rebellions, and thus, less loss of human life. In order to defeat two military powers on the front, France enacted a draft and started two wars which fueled more rebellion as people felt they were fghting for a country they didn't love. Document A details revolutions occurred after mandatory military drafts were instated. The French people had overthrown their king and gone to war for freedom, not to be ruled by a monarchy once more. The two wars coupled with the military draft caused citizens and soldiers alike to dislike the new republic as their comrades died to the guns and guillotines around them.
  • Reign Of Terror Worksheet Pdf Answers

    The sharp blade of the guillotine was applied liberally to the necks of anyone suspected of working against France's interest. Document F shows the decapitation of Louis the XVI after extremely inconclusive evidence and faux claims painted him as an enemy spy and counter-revolutionary. Unfortunately, with the invention of the guillotine, Louis was Just one of tens of thousands killed in such a manner. Many such public execution were merely to invoke fear in the people's hearts. Steven Otfinoski wrote in Triumph and Terror "The revolutionary Tribunal was established to try all crimes against the state. Tribunal members would not be elected by the people but rather by the national convention. Not only trials brief and often merely formality, but the small group of government leaders could also convict anyone opposing them.
  • Do You Believe That Robespierre's "Reign Of Terror" Was Justified?

    Killing for power and fear didn't place pride in the oppressed French peoples' hearts a country on its knees. It took three failed republics before France finally achieved a sustainable and loved government. In this case, Machiavelli would the ends Justify the means in the most inefficient manner.
  • Do You Believe That Robespierre's "Reign Of Terror" Was Justified? | Yahoo Answers

    Download Paper : 32 Views: This paper will argue that. Starting off, the Reign of terror was not justified because none of the threats t the government were not big enough to justify such drastic action. One of the claims made by France was that they were under constant attack by Austrian and Pr Gaussian roofs. Don't use plagiarized sources. Another claim m the government made was the exaggeration of the Vended revolution. The Vended revolution was merely made up of just peaceful demonstrations Doc C. All of this shows that the Reign of Terror was not justified by the threats to the French g overspent because they were not big enough to even affect France. Following this, a second reason the Reign of Terror was not justified were the ethos of the government used were too extreme. One of the methods use d was the guillotine to kill people.
  • The Reign Of Terror Worksheet Answers

    Killing 40, people by the guillotine can never be jus defied Doc F. Other methods used was the use of spies on the French people. This system of spies would get people in trouble and even death for just speaking out gaga nest the government Doc E. This kind of behavior by the government is never justify blew. This evidence shows that the Reign of Terror was not justified because the method s the government used on the French people were beyond extreme by letting an in Anne amount of people die. Finally, the Reign of Terror was not justified when it came to how the actions of the government contradicted their own enlightenment ideas. One instance of this is their enlightenment ideas states that all people are held innocent until proven guilt Y DOC A. This idea was heavily contradicted when the government killed the accused WI thou allowing them to have a lava. Year and not using actual evidence Doc E. Another enlightenment idea that was contradicted by the government was not silencing g anyone eased on their opinions or religious views Doc A.
  • Was The Reign Of Terror Justified Quizlet

    This again was contradicted when they beheaded people who spoke against the government Doc E. In conclusion, the opposite argument could be made about the Reign of Terror For example one might say although the Reign of Terror did abolish a govern meet and give power to the people, the methods and reasoning behind the Reign of Term ROR were not justified. The methods used by the government, the threats to the govern meet , and the contradiction of the enlightenment ideas of the government did not justify y the Reign of terror.
  • Was The Reign Of Terror Justified - Words | Cram

    The so called threats the government claims to have had were nothing Eng but pity lies. The disgusting methods used by the government from killing 40, Poe pale to having a network of spies on the French people can never be accepted. Their own enlightenment ideas by which they supposedly abide by get contradicted and instead are thrown out the window, as they slaughter people convicted without even a proper trial. In the end none of what the government did in the Reign of Terror mea reasonable sense at all and had no evidence to support the kind of behavior t hey committed.
  • The Reign Of Terror: Was It Justified? - Words | Bartleby

    Read the directions aloud. The purpose is to get students engaged, talking, and wanting to do the Mini-e. The second task of pie-bucketing based on clues in the question and in document titles is a huge categorization skill. Step Four: Document Analysis Do Document A with the whole class, modeling the kind of detail you expect in student answers to the Document Analysis questions. Homework: Analyze the remaining documents and answer the questions that follow. Step Four continued : Discussion of Documents Option One:Working in pairs or threesomes, have students discuss the answers to the first set of Document Analysis questions they did for homework. Using a different-colored pen than they used for homework, they may add to their answers. After five minutes, open the discussion of that document to the full class. Then proceed to the next document and repeat. Step Five: Bucketing and Chicken Foot Have studenls complete the bucketing and chicken foot work page.
  • The Reign Of Terror: Was It Justified? By Lia Kristie

    This step will help students clarify their thesis and road map. Step Six continued : Conduct an in-class Writing Workshop. Students are provided with the same document list, but it is not divided into analytical categories or buckets. Students may develop categories that are different from these. Overview: The French Revolution began in as an attempt to form a new government in France.
  • The Reign Of Terror Was It Justified Dbq Essay

    It was a revolution that did not follow a simple path. This Mini-Q asks you to consider the revolutionary values expressed above, and the means used by the French revolutionary government to put those values in place. A brief, full-class discussion should follow. Some sample responses are provided below. Scenario An air traveler going through security is required to take off her shoes, put toiletries in plastic bags, and submit to a random full-body scan by a female security officer.
  • Template Without Comments

    A high school wrestler is required to take a urine test before his state tournament match to see whether he has been taking drugs. Group: Your lellow passengers have the right to leel safe on this flight. There are terrorists out there. We know that. Body scans are simply the price we pay for the jreedom to travel safely. Also, this is high school. What is this world coming to? Group: lf you don't do drugs you've got nothing to worry about. Testing makes sure everyone plays by the rules. Society works best when no one is allowed to cheat. A war prolester is arrested and taken to jail for relusing to leave a public park after curfew. The government deports a law-abiding high school student who has lived illegally in the United States since the age of two.

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