Saturday, April 24, 2021

The Patriot Questions And Answers

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  • [FREE] The Patriot Questions And Answers | HOT

    The dominant mood of this stanza is that of festive joy and cheerfulness. When did the event, being recalled here, take place? It implies that the minarets and domes of churches seemed to aflame due to the massive presence of colourful flags put all...
  • [DOWNLOAD] The Patriot Questions And Answers | free!

    This particular line suggests the presence of a huge crowd that had gathered to see and greet him on his arrival. Picturising this, the narrator states that there was so much of excitement and joy in the air that the roofs of houses crowded with...
  • The Patriot Movie Questions And Answers

    The air broke into a mist because of the noisy slogans and the ringing bells. What do the last three lines suggest about the mood of the crowd? These people were welcoming him so happily that if he had told them that mere noise and slogans did not please him. Who were they in the following line? What light does the line throw on them? When the patriot asks them to fetch him their sun from the skies, their answer is reflective of their frivolous nature. They immediately ask the patriot what else would he require, other than the sun.
  • “The Patriot” Quiz: Answers And Winners!

    This is what the speaker as the patriot tells the crowd surrounding him. This implies that he wants to live in their memories as a great hero for ever. Which particular trend in the modern-day politics does the behaviour of the crowd suggest here? The behaviour of the crowd here suggests the trend of hero worship that is so prevalent in contemporary politics.
  • Next School Year Has More Questions Than Answers

    As we notice, the crowd is too excited for a glimpse of the patriot. They treat the patriot as a superman for whom they will not hesitate to sacrifice themselves. This amounts to overglorification or even deification of a leader, paving the way for the emergence of what is sometimes referred to as the personality cult in politics. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: Alack, it was I who leaped at the sun To give it my loving friends to keep!
  • The Patriot – Important Questions

    Nought man could do, have I left undone: And you see my harvest, what I reap This very day, now a year is run. What does leaping at the sun signify? He feels that people should reciprocate this by immortalising him as their hero. In what mood is the speaker now? Where is he at present? Presently, the speaker seems to have realised that he has absolutely no control over the situation he finds himself in. He is gloomy, melancholy, dejected and hapless as he knows that his life is going to end soon. At present, he is being taken away to the execution ground where he will be hanged. Here, the speaker says with an aggrieved heart that it was he who made the impossible, possible for people. He says that as a leader he did everything to keep people happy and left nothing undone for them. He feels that for all the outstanding things he did for his people, he has got a reward that is extremely disgracing.
  • Founder Biography / Q&A

    As he is going to die at the gallows, he has realised that his own people who once worshipped him have misunderstood him and are responsible for his tragic end. Explain what the speaker wants to say in the last two lines. He says with great sorrow that today when only one year has lapsed and that he is no more in chair, his reward can be seen. It can also be seen what he is reaping as a reward of his deeds. Everything has changed for him in a year. In a sorrowful tone the speaker says that the people have forgotten all what he has done for them. Compare the scene on the house-tops a year ago and now as mentioned in the extract above. Here, the speaker notices a stark reversal of the situation that he had experienced one year ago.
  • Patriot, The Trivia Questions & Answers : Movies L-P

    Today, the house-tops are completely empty and save a very few people, who are handicapped, he sees nobody anywhere. This is so unlike what he had seen exactly one year ago, when the roof-tops were filled with a huge crowd standing there to welcome him as a hero. One year ago, he was a hero loved, adored and honoured by his people. Today, the same people hate him and he finds himself disgraced, discarded and deprived of honour and pride. The way people treat him now reflects the lowest ebb of his career from which death alone will bring in the ultimate liberation and relief.
  • Every Religion Teaches Us To Be Patriot,-----------? [Tag Question]

    What does it refer to and why? By using it ironically, the speaker indirectly suggests that his people lack sensibility and judiciousness, due to which they behave like a one-dimensional herd with a crude tendency to accept or reject anything without using their ability to reason and think. That is why, when people adored him as their hero, he could notice their presence everywhere. Now, as he has lost their trust and faith, they all want to see him dying. The phrase has been used to inform about the only set of people who are visible now.
  • Hi, Do You Have Shuttle Service To The Patriot's...

    As the speaker says, they are rather paralyzed and are standing at the windows. At a deeper level, however, they may suggest those few people who might know that he is not guilty. But they are themselves too weak to protect him from capital punishment. What does the speaker mourn in the first line? Why does the spectacle presented seem to be so horrible? Which images used in this stanza are connected to death? The speaker is sad to see that nobody can be seen on the housetops to welcome him now. The sight is horrible because the leader is now being taken to the slaughter-house, or it can be better said, the leader thinks, that he is being taken to the gallows to be hanged there.
  • The Patriot By Robert Browning: Summary & Analysis

    What is the general impression you get here about the condition of the speaker? What does the second line suggest here? These lines indicate that speaker is in a pathetic and disgraceful condition, in which no living creature would ever wish to be. This suggests that he is being taken away as a prisoner. What kind of treatment does the speaker receive from people? It is used for the general public watching the leader as a culprit. Everybody feels that he has done nothing for his countrymen. Every person has turned against him and the achievements of his past one year have been changed to misdeeds. The people present a harsh behavior towards the speaker.
  • The Patriot Workbook Answers

    Whose forehead bleeds? How was he treated earlier? As the speaker passes by with his hands tied onto his back, people hurl stones at him. Due to this, his forehead bleeds. The description of this act shows the extent to which people hate him now. They treat him as a petty criminal and vent their anger against him for what they regard as a monumental betrayal. How does this phrase add to the ambiguity in the poem? In this stanza, as it clearly appears, the speaker has used this phrase to mean something that remains mysterious and unknown till the end. As he states, people who loved and respected him so much have suddenly started hating him for all he has done during a period of just one year! As the poet does not throw any light on this aspect, we are unable to precisely know anything about it.
  • ICSE Class 10 Literature -The Patriot By Robert Browning -Explanation

    Describe the image of the stanza. The image is extremely sorrowful and pathetic. It is raining and the speaker is being taken to the scaffold i.
  • The Patriot Questions And Answers ICSE Class 9 And Class 10

    Services The people want to be where the action is. Same fate has besmirched Stalin, Lenin, Mussolini, and many others. He did everything a man could have done to make things right. It stresses on the point that not all decisions made or supported by the people are the right decisions, or even in their own interest. The patriot says that despite him asking the townspeople to get him the sun, in the end it was he who leaped for it and got it for the people, who he refers to as his beloved friends. But, Icarus gets carried away by his success, and flies higher and higher until he reaches the dangerous vicinity of the Sun. The poet is trying to establish the kind of popularity the speaker had through this stanza. How did poppy export soar with the passage of years. ISC English On a bad day, or due to a bad decision, a battle can be lost. In this part, the speaker the hero of the plot reflects upon what he did for the country. ICSE English His walking path was covered with lots and lots of rose petals, with myrtle mixed in them.
  • Patriots Have More Questions Than Answers As They Prepare For A Rebuild

    This phenomenon of instant adulation of a person, and their equally quick condemnation has been there in human society in all ages. They provide students with an extra edge and help gain confidence before appearing for their examinations. Only old men who are taken down by palsy a disease and unable to cross the threshold of their houses are watching the patriot as he marches towards his death. Peterkin was not given a satisfactory reply. People are not eager to see him led through the streets.
  • The Patriot Movie Guide

    Here again, we can hypothesize that the patriot is talking about some battle that claimed the lives of his dear ones. For Study plan details. The poet continues to describe the electrifying atmosphere in the city. The poem starts with the patriot describing an event — a grand public welcome — that took place a year ago on that very same day. Need assistance? The wreaths worn by Greek and Roman victors, although generally described as laurel wreaths, were at first made from myrtle. So, before God, he remains a virtuous and noble son, notwithstanding the venom his people poured on him.
  • Patriot Dreams: Answers To The Question "what Can I Do?"

    Read more. The length of a majority of lines is nine syllables, with a few going a syllable or two beyond that mark. This is how the East Indian Company ran the trade. He believes that he stood by the right things and thus considers himself victorious in defeat. Stanza It is raining. He is well known for his dramatic monologues and is widely celebrated as one of the foremost poets of the Victorian era. And I think, by the feel, of my forehead bleeds Perhaps it was a victory in war or the assemblage for fighting one, or winning a popular election to an office, or being nominated as a ruler, or maybe something else.
  • The Patriot Summary By Robert Browning

    Commanders, who lead their men to victory are showered with raise, adulation and accolades. You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. His service to his country is hailed with much frenzy and euphoric clamor. The speaker bears it stoically. By citing this example, the speaker alludes to his own excesses. They were ready to give him just anything he wanted. They punished you; what now do you expect from me?
  • Patriot, The Trivia Questions & Answers | Movies L-P

    The patriot is in his own mind, knowing the steadfast certainty of death ahead of him. Answers will be posted on or before September Thus I entered, and thus I go! Rationally speaking, such a defeat does never point to a lack of valor on the part of the soldiers and their commander. This very day, now a year is run. Kasper did not know the cause of the war but still referred to the victory as great. This is the tragedy of modem politics. When he is dethroned, the same leader is considered a traitor. For years Dr Bauer trawled through archival documents looking at the costs of producing opium and paying money to farmers.
  • The Patriot By Robert Browning

    They were standing on some kind of old structure and cheering for the patriot with their cries rocking the walls. English Maths Physics Chemistry Biology. He laments his failings and accepts the consequences as something that is inevitable. So, he has no feeling of guilt, no remorse. This poem is a criticism of politics and people's opinion. Literature Notes The speaker ignores it. This suggests that he looks at his predicament as a triumph. The path was festooned with these flower for him. It can cause upheavals, unrest, irrational hero worship, or unjustified demonization of an otherwise noble person.
  • Every Religion Teaches Us To Be Patriot,? [Tag Question] | WordReference Forums

    It was roses, and roses all the way The Patriot is a dramatic monologue written by the renowned English poet and playwright Robert Browning. Become our. The people sought to it. He attributes his misery to the error of judgement of his people. A quick scansion reveals that the poem in not based on a strict metre. They were overjoyed to see him. Indians workers were given commissions on every seer — a traditional unit of mass and volume used in large parts of Asia — of opium delivered on their beat. They hate him, and want to see him hanged soon. Wednesday, 19 July Citizens fail t realize that there is always an element of luck in battles. There was a pontoon bridge across the river…..
  • The Patriot Poem's Workbook Solution - ShoutToLearn - Break The Limit Of Learning

    It contained 28, questions and hundreds of witness reports on the use and consumption of opium in India, and studied how the colonial government regulated its production and consumption. They looked upon him as a patriot and their savior. He calls to attention the miserable state he is in. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. Icarus was the son of the great Inventor Daedalus and the story revolves around the escape of these two men from a high tower where they were held prisoners by making wings out of bird feathers and wax.
  • The Patriot By Nissim Ezekiel Summary And Question Answers

    He is reconciled to the darkness that lies ahead of him. In this poem, Browning talks about Politics, Patriotism, Religious faith, and the harsh reality of the leaders who are true to their sense of patriotism. He has been tightly handcuffed in his back. Contact He is being led to Shambles Gate, the place where he will be executed. A patriot walks down the street as citizens jostle with one another to pour their adulation on him. It begins with the poet giving a subtle reference to the old Greek mythological tale of Icarus and Daedalus. These solutions contain the answers to each question of ICSE Class 10 English Literature Question Paper and going through them will help students in learning the answers writing and expressing skills in the exam.
  • The Patriot By Nissim Ezekiel

    It is full of philosophical and religious ideas. People throwing stones at him are causing the injuries. Sadly, Indians display such hysterical response to victory and defeat in the cricket field. Some 2, clerks working in offices of a powerful colonial institution called the Opium Agency monitored poppy farmers, enforced contracts and quality with police-like authority. All his friends have died earlier. The speaker of the poem is a patriot. But give me your sun from yonder skies! To give it my loving friends to keep! In this hour of reflection and reckoning, philosophical and spiritual thoughts are bound to come. What is a pontoon bridge? The gallant are glorified, and the vanquished are vilified. Now they look upon him as a traitor. He can only feel the trickling of blood. When a leader comes into power, people call him a patriot. Instead, he is forgiving towards his people.
  • The Patriot By Nissim Ezekiel Summary And Question Answers - Smart English Notes

    Opium, says Dr Bauer, was for the large part of the 19th Century, the second-most important source of revenue for the colonial state. About the the Poem. They are standing atop some old buildings to catch his view. Now he has been convicted and is being led to the gallows to be put to death. He says it has been a year since that day.
  • Founder Of Patriot USA Biography And Questions And Answers

    Answer: The war could be over by then. After Gabriel joins up with The Continentals in Charlestown, we see Thomas trying on an old redcoat of his father's. Benjamin Martin comes in and tells him to put it away and says "Not yet, Thomas, not yet. Put it away. Question by author MissVoldy. Answer: He is angry about taxation without representation. Benjamin Martin reveals this at the beginning of the movie during the meeting where they are discussing whether or not South Carolina should go to war alongside Massachusetts and seven other colonies. Benjamin refuses to agree to let South Carolina go to war which leads to a man saying: "I understood you to be a patriot".
  • The Patriot - Poem | English Quiz - Quizizz

    Benjamin replies with: "If by being a patriot you mean, am I angry about taxation without representation? Then, yes I am. Am I willing to go to war with England, then the answer is most certainly no. Question by author Dave Answer: Mel Gibson Benjamin Martin is the hero of this movie. He always wanted to make a rocking chair that didn't break when you sat on it. He also has two daughters, Margaret and Susan. Answer: Rocking chair In the opening scene, he finishes making one. Then, when he sits on it, it breaks! He becomes angry and starts to kick the broken rocking chair.
  • ICSE Class 10 Literature -The Patriot By Robert Browning -Explanation - English Charity

    In the background of this scene, you can see skeletons of broken rocking chairs! From Quiz: "The Patriot" 2 click to play it. Part I click to play it. Question by author Lilyevans Answer: 35 This is stated on her headstone, in the beginning. From Quiz: The Patriot click to play it. Question by author reginafalangy. Answer: 5 shillings From Quiz: The Patriot click to play it. Question by author George7. Answer: Mr. Question by author redstars. Answer: Capt BM This inscription can be seen during the first scene of the movie as the tomahawk is placed into the trunk in Benjamin Martin's room. Answer: He has killed British soldiers. After Thomas is killed, Gabriel taken captive by the British and Benjamin Martin's house is burnt down, Benjamin grabs all his guns and rifles from his house and runs out into the forest along with Nathan and Samuel.

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Search Results: [FREE] Testout Labsim Lab Answers Within the Explanation section of the lab summary is a list of steps to help students iden...